Your Neighborhood Homes Realty
Elena Zhukovin
Licensed Real Estate Broker

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Elena Zhukovin, Lic. RE Broker
917-363-0417 phone
718-755-4698 cell
718-746-9115 fax

Your Neighborhood Homes Realty
15-14 146 St. LL
Whitestone, NY 11357
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12-28 150street
12-28 150street
Price: $1,999,000

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What my clients are saying  

Dear Elena, We are so happy that we recommended you to our friend to sell their home. They are very pleased that you sold their house in Beechhurst for a great price, very fast and headache free! Thank you, once again.


~ Feona

We listed our house with Elena Zhukovin of Your Neighborhood Homes Realty in April of 2015. From our first meeting, I found Elena to be honest, caring, and very professional. Elena is patient and worked hard to meet the needs of all parties involved. With her years of experience, Elena guided us through the sale of our home. She went above and beyond towards an agreement amicable to all parties. I would not hesitate to recommend Elena to anyone looking to sell their home. Patricia Hili


~ Patricia Hili

Dear Elena, You were an enormous help to us from start to finish in this whole process and I am very grateful for your professional expertise, your personal kindness, and your meticulous attention to detail. Thank you again! Best Regards, Alice Fitzgerald


~ Alice Fitzgerald

We would like to express our complete satisfaction from the work done by Elena Zhukovin in regard to selling our house. Throughout the initial process of selecting Realtor we contacted several Realtors in order to determine who might do it best. All of them were great professionals with excellent credentials. After analyzing our conversations and personal impressions, at the end there was no doubt in our mind that Elena was the right person for the job, so we entrusted her the sale of our house. In the following several months, from the listing date to the very day of the closing, she proved us to be right in our choice. She took great care of everything concerning the sale and never hesitated to give us her honest personal opinion and advise in selecting the right price and best qualified buyers. Her hard work, and loyalty is very much appreciated, and we will be more than happy to recommend her to anyone that needs services of professional Realtor. Thank you Elena,


~ Gary & Daniela Koharian

Dear Elena, I wanted to thank you for helping sell my mom's house in Whitestone. It is always difficult to give up a home that has been in your family for more than 40 years. It is more difficult when your mother is in a nursing home and you live over 100 miles and 3 states away. From the very beginning, you always had my mom's best interest at heart, and was always there to help out with problems that arose both large and small. You made a difficult situation manageable and I understand why your are so successful. Best of Luck. Regards, Allan Wolkin RPh Global Publications Manager


~ Allan Wolkin

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